
Travel & Expat Lifestyle Magazine

Buying Real Estate in Netherlands

The Netherlands enjoys a high standard of living and options of a few major cities, like Amsterdam, where expats look to relocate. It is an expensive, highly urbanized country. Purchasing real estate in the Netherlands is a straight forward process. The most difficult part is setting everything in its way with obtaining a mortgage, as banks are very careful with who they grant them to.

Attorneys and Real Estate Agents

Though hiring an attorney is not required, it is highly recommended. They can help you draw up an initial purchase contract, as well as help with research. You must deal with a Dutch notary when signing important documents. Sometimes an interpreter is necessary.

A real estate agent is helpful, but is not necessary.

Rules, Regulations and Restrictions

There are no rules restricting the foreign ownership of real estate in the Netherlands. Expats have the same rights as native Dutch.

General Process

First, you should settle on a property. You will usually view it two times before you make such a decision. You should give an offer to the seller in form of a letter.

You and your lawyer should come up with a purchase contract, which contains information about the approval of the mortgage company to provide you with the money; a statement from the building instructor, stating that you get restricted immediate construction costs, as the costs will not exceed a certain price; expected date property transfer date; and a bank guarantee.

You should find a good notary afterward, hopefully one that can speak and write your native language in addition to Dutch. You and the seller must sign the purchase contract in front of this notary, and then later the delivery and mortgage deed.

After you sign the purchase contract, you should then have the property valuated, by an independent estimator. They will help determine the economic value of your prospective property, as well as the auction value. You will need to submit these results to get a mortgage. This report is generally about 1.5% of the purchase price. You should then choose a mortgage company or bank to work with.

After you choose a mortgage, you must send them a number of documents, including a copy of a bank certificate; employer’s declaration form from your job; a copy of your labor contract; copy of your purchase contract; valuation report; copy of title deed from original owner; notary contact details; and the date of execution for mortgage. They must process this information, which usually takes 3 weeks.

Finally, you and the property seller must go to the notary in person, to sign the delivery of the property and the mortgage deeds. Then the property is yours, and you shall begin paying off your mortgage.


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