
Travel & Expat Lifestyle Magazine

Moving to Cambodia

The Kingdom of Cambodia is a Southeast Asian country with a population over 14 million people. It is the successor state of the Hindu and Buddhist Khmer Empire. Its capital and largest city is Phnom Penh. The main religion is Theravada Buddhism, but there is also a sizable Muslim population, as well as some animists in the hill tribes. Its bodies of water are the Mekong River and the Tonle Sap, and it also lies on the Gulf of Thailand. More than half of Cambodians rely on agriculture for their livelihood, so it is the main part of their economy. Its official language is Khmer, and its government is a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary representative democracy. The entire country lies within the tropics, and it is warm or hot year round with a dry season and rainy season. It sometimes suffers from flooding due to the immense rainfall. It is a member of the UN, ASEAN, NATO and World Bank.


Click here to view a visa application form.

Work Visa

To obtain a temporary work visa, Cambodia will issue one to you from the following occupations: skilled worker; technical staff; staff and management specialist; service providers or other laborers. You must be at least 18 years of age to obtain a work visa. You must have a job lined up in order to begin your application.

You are required to submit the following documents to the Ministry of Interior:

1.       3 sets of application forms

2.       Valid passport

3.       3 recent passport photographs

4.       Health certificate from your home country

5.       Work contract

6.       Insurance policy

7.       Fees

Click here for more information.

Moving Pets

To move your pet to Cambodia, you must first have it microchipped. You must have it vaccinated against rabies, and provide certification for this. You also must obtain a Vet Health Certificate and have it filled out by an accredited veterinarian. There may be additional requirements depending on your country of departure.

Other Information

Click here for information about Cambodian history.

Click here for information on Cambodian geography.

Click here for a map of Cambodia.

Click here for information on real estate in Cambodia.


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