
Travel & Expat Lifestyle Magazine

Moving to Gibraltar

Gibraltar is a self-governing British overseas territory, overlooking the Strait of Gibraltar, at the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula. The entire country only takes up 6.8 square kilometers (2.6 square miles). This area is an important base for the British Royal Navy. It is one of the most stable countries on earth, in terms of politics, society, economy, and security. Its official language is English, but Spanish is commonly spoken (as it is close to Spain). It has a population around 30,000, and it has a Mediterranean/Subtropical climate, with mild winters and warm summers.


Work Permit/Residence Permit

Because Gibraltar is a member of the European Union, any other EU nationals are allowed to work and live in Gibraltar. You will initially be granted a six-month visa, and then if you find suitable work or start a business, you will be granted a 5-year renewable work permit.

Non-EU members have more restrictions. You can be granted a work permit if it is determined that no native Gibraltarian or EU national can fill your prospective occupation. If you are able to land a job because of your special skills, then you will be granted a residence permit, which lasts as long as your job.

Work permits are granted through Gibraltar’s Employment Department. Your prospective employer will have to satisfy the officials in this department that they need to hire a foreigner for the position. The employer does the majority of the work in this process. Work permits are initially granted for up to 12 months.

You must apply for a residence permit through the Civil Status and Immigration Department of the Gibraltar government. It is advisable that you obtain an ID card through this department for several administrative services. You should present your work contract to the officials, as well as evidence of your residency, such as a lease contract.

Moving Pets

You may only import cats and dogs to Gibraltar directly through the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Republic of Ireland. Your pet has to be at least four months in age. You have to present a certificate from a veterinarian, stating that the animal is in good health, and has been vaccinated against rabies. You also must present a certificate from the British Ministry of Agriculture, stating that the animal has been in the UK for 6 months, and that there have been no rabies in its area of importation from the past 12 months.

Click here for more information.

Other Information

Click here for an overview of relocating to Gibraltar.

Click here for some facts about Gibraltar.

Click here for a map of Gibraltar.

Click here for the government’s website.


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