
Travel & Expat Lifestyle Magazine

Learning Dutch

A good deal of people out there are interested in learning Dutch for a variety of reasons. There are 22 million native speakers of the Dutch language throughout the world, who are mainly concentrated within the Netherlands, Belgium and Suriname. Whether a person want to become an expat in the Netherlands, visit the city of Amsterdam, or have some Dutch business contacts, this language can be infinitely helpful.

Learning Dutch can be easier for certain people, especially if they fluently speak closely-related languages, like German, English or West Frisian. Nevertheless, everyone learns differently, and everyone gets along better with certain devices or publications that conform to their learning styles. Because of this, there are several different means of learning Dutch that are available to the public.

How to learn to speak Dutch

Enrolling in school for Dutch lessons and practicing assignments through a textbook are great options for those who are already students or have a lot of free time, but this is certainly not the case for the majority of the population. The classroom is not the only place to study Dutch, and there are many other options to choose from to match one’s budget, time and individual learning skills.

Learning Dutch Software or DVDs

Language software works very well for the right type of people, as it is interactive and up-to-date with technology. Below are some useful computer programs.

Rosetta Stone’s Dutch Program – Rosetta Stone is a very prevalent language-learning software company, and they have a developed program for students who want to learn Dutch. They sell individual levels or combined level packages that have interactive software, headsets and other devices. The Level 1 Dutch program is designed to make students learn fundamental vocabulary and essential language structure, so that they can move on to more complex communication in the later levels.
Tell Me More’s Dutch Program – Tell Me More is another popular company, and they have compiled a comprehensive, three-level program for students. It is full of different workshops, like lessons, grammar, vocabulary, writing and oral exercises. Their advanced package also comes with animations and video activities.

Transparent Language’s Dutch Program – This company offers the Transparent Dutch Premium Edition, which is developed with different immersion videos, lessons, interactive games, online proficiency tests and other features. It is designed to help learners establish a vocabulary base, then practice listening comprehension, learn to read and write, and also express themselves in Dutch. Their website also has some free practice materials, like software downloads and survival phrases.

Books for learning Dutch

Basic Dutch: A Grammar and Workbook – This book lays out 25 specific grammar points that are presented in a realistic context. It then reinforces the grammar points with practical examples and exercises. This publication also comes with an answer key, grammar tables and index of irregular verbs.

Websites that help you learn Dutch language

learndutch.elanguageschool.net/ – This simple website has brief lessons that outline Dutch pronunciation, spelling and word order to build a basic understanding. It then gradually goes through grammar lessons. It provides a way to learn Dutch in an academic style without being in a classroom.

forbeginners.info/dutch/ – Appropriately named, this website is designed for beginners. It goes over some basic lessons of regular and irregular verbs in Dutch, as well as assorted useful vocabulary, like numbers, body, geography and food.

2bdutch.nl/ – This website is great for those who love to watch television clips and learn at the same time. It provides videos in the Dutch language with both English and Dutch subtitles.


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