
Travel & Expat Lifestyle Magazine

Learning German

Learning German is a very practical skill to engage in, as it is a major world language. There are around 120 million native speakers of German, plus 80 million non-native speakers, so learning this language could enhance communication skills between lots of different people. It is an official language not only in Germany, but also in Austria, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg and several other places.

Those who wish to travel in Europe or become expatriates will have an easier time getting around if they learn German, as it is the most widely-spoken language in the European Union. Understanding German is not the most simple task, as the language has very particular grammar and pronunication. Nevertheless, it is a phonetic language that is related to English and Dutch, and there are countless different ways to learn it.

How to learn to speak German

The German language is offered in many different language schools and other academic institutions, but not everyone out there wants to enroll in courses and learn out of text books. Many work better by their own motivation, and on their own schedules. Fortunately, students can learn German on their own time through software, the internet and other publications and electronic devices.

Learning German software or DVDs

Those who are computer savvy will be happy to know that there are many different software programs that assist students in learning the German language.

Rosetta Stone’s German Program – Rosetta Stone is one popular software program, and they have put together five different levels of German-learning material. The beginner’s levels of this series can help with greetings, simple questions and answers. Those who make it to the final level can master the language skills required to move abroad.
Tell Me More’s German Program – Tell Me More sells a variety of different German language software, whether students want to jump start their language skills with the introductory levels, or master the language with 10 levels. They can also teach students how to conduct business in German.

Transparent Language’s German Program – Transparent Language sells a few different programs for learning German. The Premium Edition software has lessons for professional conversation matters, while the German Byki Deluxe 4 is directed on mastering the core language skills.

Power Speak’s German Program – Power Speak offers language-learning programs for students in elementary, middle and high school. Each course has age-specific content, self-paced calendars and printable assignments.

Books for learning German

German Made Simple: Learn to speak and understand German quickly and easily – This book is compatible for people in a classroom setting, or for those who are just looking to travel in Germany or Austria for some time. It comes with basic grammar, modern German vocabulary, reading exercises and review exercises.

Websites that help you learn German language

learngerman.elanguageschool.net – This website offers the basics, like the alphabet and pronunication, as well as some German stories and sample letters with translations. It is a good site to learn to read German.

germanfortravellers.com – This website has basic materials for traveling to German-speaking countries, such as greetings, weather and food. There are audio samples of the words.

bbc.co.uk/languages/german – The BBC offers materials on practical German language skills, such as basic words and phrases to know while traveling. They also have put together series of entertaining shows that start off with very basic German, and gradually work up to more complex standards.


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