Comments on: “Expats” – The Movie! Travel & Expat Lifestyle Magazine Thu, 22 Nov 2018 18:07:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rob Rosenthal Thu, 28 May 2009 19:02:43 +0000 1. If the American dream/opportunity has faded, someone should tell the crowds lined up outside all the embassies. An economic downturn does not mean the end of an era.
2. The only people I knew who lived like kings in Dubai were, well, kings. We lived like white-collar professionals, and so did our friends.
3. Racism is bad, blah, blah, blah. Note that it’s only left-wing Westerners who make movies about it. (I presume that he’s left-wing because he mentions white vs. brown inequality, not brown vs. brown.)

That said, I hope that he does make a movie or three about the expat experience in Dubai. I hope that the soundtrack features the music from the Star Wars cantina – heaven knows I got it stuck in my head whenever I was in a six-person meeting with people from six countries, which was almost every day.
