Comments on: London: the Best City in the World Travel & Expat Lifestyle Magazine Thu, 22 Nov 2018 18:07:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bob Wed, 08 Apr 2015 17:54:53 +0000 @deepak
Go back to India. New Yorkers don’t like you and we don’t need you to defend us. Both cities are great in their own ways, whether you think ones better is a matter of opinion. We should worry about Asian cities that are growing like wildfires.

By: Deepak Sat, 22 Jun 2013 21:07:21 +0000 (Clarification from earlier comment):

5) Europe, including London, is unfortunately doomed over the long haul, without any economic hope or future, short of economic stagnation, given the antiquated economic and stagnant demographic structure. If you have any intelligence, you will escape out of there and get back home to the (clichéd) good old USA – but that is clearly your prerogative, not mine.

By: Deepak Sat, 22 Jun 2013 12:17:16 +0000 So glad I happened to drop in on this party again after several months – I should say it’s actually rather fun and amusing to watch those who have some vested stake in London try to make their futile points!

To commenter DT (above this one) –
1) First of all, don’t tell me what “I know” — thanks.
2) You conveniently and selectively neglected to mention Edison, which in the NYC area is a bigger Indian neighborhood than (New York’s) Jackson Heights and (London’s) Southall combined.
3) Also, New York is CURRENTLY, in 2013, continuing to receive 10 to 15 thousand fresh Indian immigrants AND 25 to 30 thousand new Chinese immigrants ANNUALLY. What Indian ever migrates to the UK or Europe anymore? None. In fact, they are fleeing the UK and Europe to the U.S. in droves (with the possible exception of yourself and a few others who’ve chosen to take the backward route).
4) You really seem to exhibit racist overtones – in one fell swoop, you’ve insulted Puerto Ricans, Ecuadoreans, Canadians, Mexicans, Jews, Italians, Polish, Irish, and yes, even British people, all of whom constitute part of the wonderful kaleidoscopic fabric of New York.
5) Europe, including London, is unfortunately doomed over the long haul, without any hope or future. If you have any intelligence, you will escape out of there and get back home to the (clichéd) good old USA – but that is clearly your prerogative, not mine.
6) If you combine Hong Kong and London together, yes, you just MIGHT get the heft of New York. So your relatives in New York do indeed seem to be possessing a good deal of wisdom themselves.


By: DT Thu, 28 Mar 2013 08:16:51 +0000 Deepak,

I’m Indian American and disagree with you. I was born and raised in the U.S. and also feel that NYC is overrated.

I have relatives who live there, so understand how the frog can sometimes think that the well is all there is in the world. They think that everything revolves around NYC. I think they should stop watching so much television.

NYC, like all very large and populated cities, does have a lot to do, but here is what I don’t like (kind of representative of the U.S. as a whole):

1) Bad attitudes demonstrated by people on the street. Spend more than 3 seconds looking at someone (even if you did not intend to, but are just lost in thought), you get a resounding ‘WHAT YA LOOKIN AT??!’ There is more stratification in the U.S., more division between rich and poor. 25%+ people lack healthcare and many are struggling just to survive. Combine that with a huge number of absentee fathers/parents and you have a recipe for a thug in 15+ years.

2) Gluttony. Yes, we Americans are gluttonous. We are a WalMart (quantity vs. quality) culture. We cuss out Indian tech support and curse Chinese companies, but then happily go to buy a $299 Dell laptop and $5 pair of shoes from Payless. Genetically modified foods, raping of our environment, and utter disregard for are planet and others is what we are about. We consume something like 25% of the worlds resources. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the free coke refills at fastfood joints whereas in Europe they ration it.

3) Desi scene. Seriously. No contest between the two and you know it. Indian culture has been absorbed to a certain degree by British culture. Everywhere you go there are curry houses, I went shopping in London and heard bhangra music on the PA. Spend the weekend in Southall if you ever get homesick of India. Jackson heights does not compare. Much smaller and right next to little Puerto Rico/Ecuador.

4) U.S. Gun culture. Sandy hook. Columbine. Arora. Nuff said. You know it.

5) Stye. Despite NYC being a fashion capital, NYCers (save those that shop exclusively designer on 5th/7th avenue) are not as stylish as Londoners (or Europeans in general). Gotta love that accent as well. A LOT better than some crazy hybrid italian/jewish/rough accent you get in NY.

6) Go to the Bronx at night. Find one place like that in London. Again, easy access to guns in the U.S. is a terrible thing.

7) Proximity to the rest of the world. Except for being close to Canada…. yeh? or Mexico, the U.S. is not nearly as centrally located as London. London + train tickets = Paris, Spain, Italy. 8 hours and you are in Delhi. 8 hours to NYC. In an increasingly globalized world, this is becoming an increasingly important factor.

8) Traditions. I saw the marriage of Prince William. I was so impressed with the age old traditions they maintained. In the U.S., there are very few preserved traditions. Its a cluster F*CK of mixed europeans. Ask my white friends about their ancestery and many won’t know of it. They are “1/4 Irish, 1/8th Cherokee, 1/8 Polish, 1/2 British” or something like that. Hence no real tradition.

By: Deepak Sat, 02 Feb 2013 20:09:59 +0000 Let me simply specify, before others add frivolous remarks about my comment directly above – I have more important things to do and not enough time to be checking back at this site FREQUENTLY. I did so today merely out of curiosity, and prior to today, as you may notice, it was over two years ago. Cheers!

By: Deepak Sat, 02 Feb 2013 17:02:28 +0000 Quiet, because I have better and more important things to do with my life in NYC than to be checking back in to read the drivel of some of these people. Why would anyone go to live in Europe, anyway? It’s a dying continent.

By: thefuzz Fri, 13 Jul 2012 22:15:06 +0000 erm, deepak’s gone quiet…..

By: Adrian Mon, 21 May 2012 13:10:29 +0000 @Chang
Judging a city by the number of Google hits? WTF?
You really need to get out more.

By: Londinium Tue, 07 Feb 2012 07:26:53 +0000 “If you are bored of London you are bored of life” walking the streets of London you can smell creativity and free spirit. The spirit of genuine Londoners is shared in NYC we have a bizarre bond with New yorkers. Both truly cosmopolitan cities with a vibrant expectation of anything can happen.London is like an older brother to the big Apple but both have the same spirit. As said in the original text the people make London but the buildings history and the diverse cultures of London make the People.
You can meet anyone from any place on our planet here that’s what makes it so very special.

By: Perg Thu, 19 Jan 2012 00:17:01 +0000 It’s really funny how close-minded people behave. For all the idiots that doubt London is the greatest spot on earth. Try to imagine anything and I mean it anything and not find it in London….get me some history from NY
