
Travel & Expat Lifestyle Magazine

Devastation in Haiti: How You Can Help


The devastation in Haiti may still not be fully understood by many. Make no mistake about it: this is one of the biggest natural disasters in North America’s modern history. If you were moved by the events in the wake of ‘Katrina’, the destruction in Haiti could be worse than that by tenfold.

The country’s already shaky infrastructure has been destroyed, leaving the nation incapacitated and unable to organize relief efforts of its own. The basic necessities of day to day life are quickly becoming scarce. Thousands of people have no access to food and water, let alone medical care for their injuries. The threats of disease outbreaks increase with every day.

Haiti desperately need your help.

Thus, we’ve put together a shortlist of ways you can donate to assist in the relief efforts.


Even small donations can go a long way. The quickest way to donate is simply to text ‘Haiti’ to 90999. $10 will be immediately donated to the Red Cross, and it will appear on your next phone bill.

For more substantial donations, here are some of the major organizations that can handle your gift:


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