Expat Blogs
Whether you’re thinking of becoming an expat or just spending a few months abroad, you can usually find a lot of good advice from people who have done it before you, and hopefully learn from their successes and mistakes. With that being said, here is a list of expat blogs organized by country to help you in your research, along with some links to relevant helpful websites.
If you would like to suggest another blog, just get in touch.
Argentina Expat Blogs
- The Perpetual Traveller. The Journeys of an Internet Poker Tourist
- http://exposebuenosaires.com
- http://www.expatalley.com
Australia Expat Blogs
- Florida Girl in Sydney
- rachelhenwood’s weblog
- Journey in Search of Life – JiSoL
- an african down under
- phoebeinaustralia.wordpress.com
- http://www.insearchofalifelessordinary.blogspot.com
- When in Oz
Austria Expat Blogs
Barbados Expat Blogs
Belgium Expat Blogs
- CheeseWeb
- For The Journey
- www.thesmartexpat.com
- http://www.charliestribe.com/rss_blog.asp
- http://www.charliestribe.com/blog.asp
- http://johnastor.wordpress.com/
Belize Expat Blogs
Belize Web Sites
Bosnia and Herzegovina Expat Blogs
Brazil Expat Blogs
- Flowers and more
- Meredith’s Bound for Brasilia
- http://www.postcardsfrombrasil.blogspot.com
- http://wulfflife.tumblr.com
- http://web.mac.com/brynnbarineau/Site/Blog/Blog.html
British Virgin Islands Expat Blogs
Cambodia Expat Blogs
Canada Expat Blogs
Canada Web Sites
Canary Islands Expat Blogs
Chile Expat Blogs
China Expat Blogs
- Plate of Wander
- On the Fringe
- Andis Kaulins in China
- Style Shanghai
- Andis Kaulins in China
- Xinjiang: Far West China
- http://www.guanximaster.com
- http://www.maxxelli-blog.com
China Web Sites
Costa Rica Web Sites
Czech Republic Expat Blogs
- www.visitingeu.com/central-europe/czech-republic/
- http://www.justinprime.com/greattrainride/
- The journeys of Captain Oddsocks
- http://empty-nest-expat.blogspot.com
Ecuador Expat Blogs
Ecuador Web Sites
Egypt Expat Blogs
Finland Expat Blogs
France Expat Blogs
- Visit Normandy-Pays de Loire
- Angela in Europe
- A Slice of Ex-Pat(é)
- http://marquisdugalipot.blogspot.com/
- Life with a seaview
- Moving to Montpellier
- Wallflower Dispatches
- OMYWORD! Did I Say That?
- http://www.puredesigninternational.com/blog/
- Beth Arnold
- Missing You Already
- Living in Paradis
- An American in Paris
- Notre Anne de Paris
- www.provencepost.com
- http://thenewsbase.com/
- http://245andcounting.blogspot.com/
- http://thisprovencallife.wordpress.com
- http://vanessafrance.wordpress.com
- http://chezlouloufrance.blogspot.com
Germany Expat Blogs
- The German Way Expat Blog
- Wife – in captivity
- Der Irische Berliner
- http://www.tapxe.com
- http://wifeincaptivity.wordpress.com/
- http://dunkinberliner.blogspot.com/
Hong Kong Expat Blogs
Hungary Expat Blogs
- On the Other Side of the Curtain
- Wet Feet
- http://expatecho.moveone.info/
- http://www.alexwilltravel.com/
Iceland Expat Blogs
India Expat Blogs
- A Reason To Write – India
- Keeping Up With Siera in India
- http://eagersnap.blogspot.com/
- http://www.verydindia.com/
- http://www.kumbhaj.com/
- http://delhibound.blogspot.com
- http://www.alaivani.com
- http://authenticjourneys.blogspot.com
Indonesia Expat Blogs
Ireland Expat Blogs
- http://mrulster.org
- www.irishwanderings.com
- http://kewlblackkat.blogspot.com/
- http://kewlblackkat.blogspot.com/
Italy Expat Blogs
- Ciao Amalfi!
- Vita Lenta nel Bel Paese
- Casa Dolcetto: The Blog
- Letters From Florence
- Ann’s World
- Bocconcini e Pomodorini
- italyMONDO! Blog
- cross-cultural moments
- http://theitalianfiles.squarespace.com/
- www.lettersfromflorence.blogspot.com
- http://www.italianreflections.com/
- http://www.tuscany-villas.it/blog/
Italy Web Sites
Jamaica Expat Blogs
Japan Expat Blogs
- Kyklops
- Chris’ English School
- In the Pines
- http://aichi-alex.blogspot.com
- http://seentheelephant.blogspot.com/
Kazakhstan Expat Blogs
Lebanon Expat Blogs
Macau Expat Blogs
Malaysia Expat Blogs
Malta Expat Blogs
Mexico Expat Blogs
- Life’s a Beach
- Chilangabacha
- What Happens When You Jump
- Taste of Playa Del Carmen
- Mexico City: An Opinionated Guide
- Good Food in Mexico City
- On Mexican Time
- Maine to Mexico
- Tepoztlán
- http://www.mexicomusings.com
- Mexicowoods—An Expatriate Life
- Yucatan Living
- Mexico Mystic’s Blog
- http://mexicomystic.wordpress.com
- www.missywah.blogspot.com
- http://www.holasanmiguel.com
- http://gomexicoguide.com
- Mexipreneur
Mexico Web Sites
Morocco Expat Blogs
Netherlands Expat Blogs
- Number Seventy Five
- http://orangesplaash.blogspot.com
- A Flamingo in Utrecht
- 3cf
- http://clogsandtulips.blogspot.com
- angelasgoodstuff.blogspot.com/
- http://www.perfectgroup.com/blog/
Netherlands Web Sites
Niger Expat Blogs
Norway Expat Blogs
Oman Expat Blogs
Pakistan Expat Blogs
Panama Expat Blogs
Philippines Expat Blogs
Portugal Expat Blogs
Romania Expat Blogs
Russia Expat Blogs
- http://www.amrusob.blogspot.com
- Kyle Keeton Talks About …!
- The Beet Goes On
- http://mehmetsenvar.blogspot.com/
- http://www.amrusob.blogspot.com
- http://www.amrusob.blogspot.com
- http://www.sovietcity.com
- Real Moscow
Singapore Expat Blogs
South Korea Expat Blogs
Spain Expat Blogs
- My life in Madrid
- A small flaking white house in lost Spain
- No, Not Far
- http://eediesmith.blogspot.com
- http://blogs.timspain.com/
- Rob in España
- Blogging Loja – Spain Seen from a Small Town in the South
- That was subtle
- http://writersabroad.ning.com/
- www.buenosdiaspet.com
- http://www.victoriatwead.com/Old_Fools_Blog/Old_Fools_Blog.html
- http://www.latortugaviajera.com/
- http://www.writersabroad.spruz.com/member/?p=9CE8C8EA-A381-4C29-885E-450E0794D6F1&g=
- http://www.etenerife.com
- http://www.tenerifebusinessbar.com/
Sweden Expat Blogs
- Nic’s news
- Shazzerspeak
- Lost in Stockholm
- Screaming in Sweden
- Nic’s news
- www.liveinsweden.se/blog
- StockholmExpat.com
- Helsingbloggin’ – Malmö
Switzerland Expat Blogs
- http://www.chickstravelflicks.wordpress.com
- http://www.chickstravelflicks.wordpress.com
- http://www.olgaistefan.wordpress.com
- www.hall-net.eu/Blog/blog.html
- http;//theunlikelyhousewife.com
- www.newlyswissed.com
Tanzania Expat Blogs
- :: louder than swahili
- http://www.uswahili.blogspot.com
- http://www.uswahili.blogspot.com
- http://theruvibes.blogspot.com/
Thailand Expat Blogs
Turkey Expat Blogs
- Best Blog for Istanbul Travellers & Expats
- http://talkaboutturkey.blogspot.com/
- http://turkeysforlife.blogspot.com
- http://paris-ankara.blogspot.com
- http://theturkishlife.blogspot.com/
- Perking the Pansies
United Arab Emirates Expat Blogs
United Kingdom Expat Blogs
- American Resident
- www.usebefore.blogspot.com
- How to Play House
- Isn’t the Lettuce Brave?
- Finally Woken
- The Lady Who Lunches Blog
- London Expat | Singaporean in London
- http://londonchow.com
- http://carrasdream.blogspot.com
- separated by a common language
- Smitten by Britain
- Bloody Brilliant!
- Write On!
- An American in Britain
- Miss America ~ An American in England
- Tier 1 London
- Journal of a Recovering Taiwanoholic
- http://www.TheAccidentalExpats.com
- http://aladyinlondon.blogspot.com/
- http://www.mcgrae.com
- http://www.chatty-t.blogspot.com
- http://cafebebe.co.uk/blog
- http://www.cafebebe.co.uk
- http://tripcompare.blogspot.com/
- http://tatertotsandteacups.blogspot.com/
- http://seentheelephant.blogspot.com/
- http://spinsterscompass.wordpress.com
- http://internationalmanofmystery.typepad.com/
United Kingdom Web Sites
United States Expat Blogs
- Brits n’ Bobs
- Expat From Hell
- Chow and Chatter
- A Brit in Tennessee
- http://www.loveteaalienship.com
- http://sparrowchat.com
- Calif Lorna
- http://crunchiemummy.wordpress.com
- http://sparrowchat.com
- http://seentheelephant.blogspot.com/
- www.offthesidewalk.com
- http://globalcoachcenter.wordpress.com/
- http://englishmaninatl.blogspot.com/