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The Museums of Valencia, Spain


Institute of Modern Art, Valencia

The Institute of Modern Art mostly consists of work from the 20th century, coming from Spain and the remainder of Europe. One of the collections is the sculptures of Julio Gonzales, who is considered an icon of the contemporary art world, as well as the “father of sculpture in iron.” They also hold man rotating exhibitions, for paintings, photography, drawing, sculptures, prints and more.


City of Arts and Sciences

The City of Arts and Sciences is a science museum located within a work of interesting, modern, geometrical architecture. The Principe Felipe Science Museum section is an interactive experience where visitors can explore the worlds of science, technology and the environment. Visitors are allowed to be part of the exhibits, where they can see, hear and touch them.


MUVIM: The Valencia Museum of Enlightenment and Modernity

The MUVIM museum takes visitors through the history of medieval religious doctrine, through the Renaissance, to the Enlightenment and on through modernity. This museum is quite an experience, as there are many actors set up through its different sections. Some of the different areas of the museum include a monastery exhibit where monks talk, inside of a printing press, looking through Galileo’s telescope, walking through Parisian streets and sitting in a XVIII century salon. Visitors are required to book their museum experience in advance.


Museum of Fine Arts

Valencia’s Museum of Fine Arts is located in a Baroque beautiful building, and is considered to be the second most important art collection in Spain. None of the art in the building is modern; most of the work on display is from the 13th through 19th centuries. It has many iconic paintings, as well as Baroque and Renaissance works. Some famous artists featured in this museum include El Greco, Bosch, Peris and Goya. It even has some artifacts from around Spain, such as in the Iberian period.


Cathedral Museum

There is a museum located inside the Valencia Cathedral, and it is full of interesting religious sculptures and paintings. There are some representations of the Last Supper, the Virgin Mary, Apostles and even some works by Goya.


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