
Travel & Expat Lifestyle Magazine

Top 10 Countries with the Hottest Women

We all have our own personal reasons for expatriating. For some it’s the sense of freedom or independence, for others it’s the adventure, business or financial benefits; maybe you identify more with a foreign culture. Then there are those of you who do it for the… scenery. You know who you are.

Just for you folk, we’ve assembled a list of the top countries with the hottest women.

10. Spain

Spanish women
The beautiful women just seem to line up in Spain. Those splendid Mediterranean tans tend to help too– and so do the nude beaches.

9. South Africa

South African woman

There are few places where you’ll see such a wide variety of beautiful women that’ll suite anyone’s particular fancy – South Africa is one of them. And they come with a lovely English accent too.

8. Czech Republic

Czech Republic woman
Top models seem to come from the Czech Republic like wildfire these days. And anyone who’s taken even a leisurely stroll through Prague would have to be blind not to have noticed.

7. Iran

Iranian woman
Persian women are some of the most beautiful, strongest willed in the world, though unfortunately often overlooked due to the shroud still lingering over women’s rights in nations like Iran.

6. Croatia

Croatian women
Italian women get a lot of well-deserved looks, but the ladies of Croatia are the true gems of the Adriatic.

5. India

Indian woman

India has a deep, intricate and storied history, and women of legendary beauty are certainly a part of that.

4. Sweden

Swedish girls
Tall, blond and blue-eyed– is there a more quintessential archetype for the beautiful woman than the women of Sweden?

3. Hungary

Hungarian woman
Eastern European countries are popular on this list, and Hungary sits at the crossroads of them all. All the best traits of Eastern European women mix perfectly and find just the right balance in Hungary.

2. Japan

Japanese girl
Asia has no shortage of beautiful women, though they may get no cuter than in Japan.

1. Brazil

Brazilian women

Walk down any Brazilian beach and you’ll be convinced– everyone just seems to be beautiful in Brazil. Undoubtedly, this is the place to be if you’re looking for the hottest women in the world.


668 thoughts on “Top 10 Countries with the Hottest Women

  1. 1. Russia

    2. Serbia

    3. South Africa

    4. Czech/Czechoslovakia (basically the former USSR Slavic countries)

    5. Venezuela

    6. Sweden

    7. Australia

    8. Israel (Natalie Portman is also from there)

    9. Canada

    10. Spain

  2. The Balkans (Serbia), Scandinavia (Sweden, Denmark) and former USSR Slavi countries (Russia, Czech, Ukraine) have really beautiful women. European women all look very different. You have the cute dark haired girls, the pretty blondes and the beautiful redheads. They’ve also got different eyes colors and skin tones (from the beautiful light girls to the sultry darker girls). There are various nationalities and they all look different. I think Europe is the place where you’ll find so many attractive people, but most of the look different.

  3. 4get about blonde brunett to get what we call gem of a woman you need to cross breed without crossbreed brazilian women would be the ugliest, you need an asian male or white male with a well ‘built figure’ black female…..and it only works one way not reverse cause white female and asian female dont have well built rear and to get the right texture of skin it has to be white male without transparent veins or clots of blood and pure black female.

  4. My list:

    1. Sweden
    2. Norway
    3. Denmark
    4. Brazil
    5. Venezuela
    6. Puerto Rico
    7. Spain
    8. Finland
    9. Barbados
    10. Argentina

  5. russian girls are the most beautiful of the world.they are very sexy and very hot.you can try and feel them.

  6. hottest women of the world can be found in the following countries..
    Brazil India Russia Argentina Lebanon Canada

  7. I think it’s funny how nobody metioned american girls on here! lol I’m a american and I can’t stand american women! most of them are ugly and don’t take care of themselves and have unrealistic expectations for men! whereas women in russia are beautiful and they have a lower divorce rate in america! When women complain about men in america they buy a dog when men with money complain about women in America they go overseas! lol

  8. rihanna is the best and the sexiest woman in the world
    in BARBADOS,SWEDEN,BRAZIL and SOUTH AFRICA is the beutiful and sexy women bat RIHANNA is the best

  9. And where’s the page for the hottest men? C’mon guys there are plenty of expat single women out there.

  10. Oh please, Brazil? I live here and the proportion of people who are at the very least pleasant to look at is extremely small. Most, if not all, European countries easily beat us.

    We have a horrible mixture of a number of ugly nationalities, specially in the northern parts of the country. I do admit, though, that in the south people are usually more beautiful, but only because they are genetically largely of European descent and not so much native or African.

    What you and I see on TV, i.e. women with beautiful bodies dancing Samba, if far from being as ubiquitous as we are lead to believe. Not only that, but even those who have decent bodies usually have hideous faces. And IF she has a beautiful body and face, she will most likely turn out to be, at best, empty-headed. That said, we do, though seldom, find girls that are beautiful on both the inside and the outside, but these are rare, much much (much) more so than in Europe (or even the US, despite the americans’ usually large silhouette).

    Can’t wait to leave this country ridden by ugliness, poverty, ignorance, crime, stifling temperatures and an awful, awful geography (what is not beach is a forest-turned-into-a-barren-field and what is not that is a horrible city plagued by all of the above).

    Trust me, your travel-dollars (or euros)will be better spent somewhere else, unless if you intend to the some sociological work on a quasi-sapiens species.

  11. Any top 10 list of nations with beautiful women should include Thailand and the Philippines. Putting Japan on the list is nonsense; sure they have some beauties like any other country but the average Japanese girl just doesn’t stack up to the average Thai or Filipina. Other good countries not on this list are Colombia, Venezuela, Vietnam (totally agree with Chris on that one), and China (try Nanning in southern China, said to have the highest density of gorgeous women in the world).

  12. And Argentina. Pleae, believe me, have you ever benn in an Argentinian beach, I bet you didn’t. Go there, go to pianmar, carilo, mar de las pampas costa del este, villa gesell and you’ll find the hottiest women in the world. There is no ugly woman in those cities!!!!!!!

  13. Brazil does NOT have the most beautiful women, what a joke! Sweden, Denmark, India and Russia have much better, and evenly dispersed throughout their countries, unlike Brazil. Seriously, redo your ignorant list.

  14. 10. u.s.a.
    9. venezuela
    8. serbia
    7. italy
    6. russia
    5. brazil
    4. hungary
    3. spain
    2. morocco
    1. india

  15. whats wrong with american women?weve got the most varied assortment of women in the world right here in the good old us of a.black ones white ones,yellow ones and all points in between!!!wake up and smell the coffee!weve got what all the other countries have but in one place.how fantastic is that!!!!

  16. I already visit most 20 country. but i found Muslim country (middle Asia ) women are so natural butty. west country have only white skin. but they have not natural sex.

  17. omg SOUTH AFRICA, SOUTH AFRICA, woah i went there during the world cup and GAWD i wanted to live there, ABSOLUTE BEAUTY, HAWEMUUUUUUUUUUUUR, WOOOOOH, ay shame South African women mfana, ay bandla ngyabonga mina, mcwah mcwah, I love you BEAUTIES from South Africa, kiss kiss

  18. Being a Spanish guy I agree that unlike most nationalites Spanish and Indian women tend to have a leading edge in beauty around the world.
    don’t ask me but i did tremndous research on line and i weigh in on the majority of people opinion towards these two races..
    i have been to India and the majority of women there are nutting short of stunning ,,same can be said for Argentina Chile Mexico and Dominican women,these are countries that i have been to as a flight attendant.so to sum it up this is as close as one can get without being bias first hand.

  19. I’m from Mexico and I went to the UK for a couple of months, I meet people from all around the world and my list will be:

    1: Denmark (without doubt!! I went to Denmark)
    2: USA
    3. Holand
    4. Mexican
    5. Canada
    6. British
    7. France
    8. Finald
    9. dunno
    10. dunno

    I LOVE Danish women.. When I went to Denmark every single girl was beautifull.. I was crying when I left Denmark because those girls are beautiful plus very HOT!!!

  20. oooooooooh . that picture for Iranian girl is not very good Iranian girl are much much much much better than that picture I think Persian girl are sooooooooooooooooooooooo HOT .YOU can search for ….

  21. America is not a race of people unless you are Native American. The first Americans were from Europe . The reason America is not listed as having the hottest women because the country is more obese than any other and lots of American women do fake tanning (ie Jersey Shore) and plastic Surgery (ie Jersey Shore , Housewives of ____ )

  22. This page is so racist anyway because race does not determine beauty. In certain countries they may have certain adaptable traits as to what they eat and what chemicals or toxins they are surrounded by and also some women in certain cultures take better care of themselves than in others. There are butt ugly women everywhere just like gorgeous women everywhere. Women in Scandinavia may all be fantasized to be that perfect tall glowing blond which some are but others can be overly big boned and awkward. Mediterranean women may seem to be perfectly tan and tight butted but others have freaking beards growing ( I have dark hair on my lip which is a small issue). Barbadian women may be perceived as all looking like Rihanna but honestly some of them have leathery skin. So every race has its uglies and its pretties. Bring those exotic Scandinavians, Barbadians, or Mediterraneans to Fat Bleach Fake tan city, USA they might turn not so pretty. Culture may determine how attractive a woman becomes but race does not mean anything . An whole lot of Italian women may get turned down because of an extraordinarily gorgeous Nigerian girl even though people glamorize Italy more.

  23. ohh c’mon guys…. no offend.. we can find any hotest women on earth… any place on earth have different beauties and we must be proud of our own land… for me its in the philippines….

  24. nigerians are one of the most hottest then japan,brazil,czech,india,sweden,.

  25. i only agree about brazil been first,but croatia in the top 10 u must be blind,they are so ugly,trust me i would say mor serbians are for the top 10,here is my list of top 10:

  26. This list is absurd..it leaves out middle eastern women..to me they are the complete women..they have the perfect shape and just looking at them makes you want to fall in love with them.Lebanon and Dubai have really beautiful women..not to forget Iran,Iraq,Syria,Turkey,Morroco etc..i agree that European women are pretty but nothing compared to Arab women..I cant believe why everyone says India has beautiful women..we cant base our judgement purely on bollywood movies..they appear with make up and they are fake..India has beautiful women but mostly in the north in places like kashmir and uttar pradesh..if you go to mumbai you will rarely see good looking girls..every country has beautiful women but overall i would say that Arab women are the best!!

  27. The beauty of the women is not measured to go half naked and vulgar dancing, the sensuality is natural, worn on the skin and comes from inside to outside, the worst south american bodies are in Brazil, Brazilian women have narrow hips like men. I think that Women from Israel, Italy, Cuba, Colombia, Russia, Also some Brazilians who have a good race mix….. Are so many beautiful women around the world.

  28. Hey! Where are the indonesia and south korea? There are so many beutiful girls in there? You placed south africa? You must be joking!

  29. Notice that the blond blue-eyed Swed propaganda machine is still in full effect. South Africa? Where is Bulgaria? South Korea should replace Japan. I taught English in South Korea and was amazed at the beauty there. I agree, Brazil should be #1. I lived in Brazil too and I’d say the ratio of women to men is about nearly 10 to 1. 7 of those 10 are almost 9s, at least. 4 out of the 10 are 10s and it’s rare to see a lot of fat or butchy-manly women, unlike in the United States. The coast of Brazil is electrifying. I plan to retire in Brazil and live the rest of my life in Brazil. Fuck the United States!

  30. Don’t be deceived. You know black girls the best anywhere in the world. They are the most beautiful, most exquisite, sexiest and above all natural. Just look at the girls from Brazil, Nigeria, South Africa, Cuba, and ofcourse the Bulkans in Europe, and tell me what you see in terms of real beauty with wonderful body and colour that’s God’s given. They may not be the hottest, but certainly the most beautiful with strength and vigour.

  31. I’ve travelled to many cities around the world… but for North America… Vancouver & Montreal. American cities just don’t seem to have that many on average. Vancouver and Montreal they’re everywhere!

  32. dz is d most stupidest list i ve ever seen….. Hu eva compiled! We all no dt dere r beautiful women in all countries as well as der r ugly 1nce n fyi derz a diff btw sexy and beautiful…. Frm ur pics above mst of dz women fall under d category of sexy… Beauty is natural n ur no1 brazil is nown to have d highest rate of plastic sugery in d world! Ow plastic is dt….. In my own opinion black is beautiful… Bt der beautiful women all over the world n d r nt retricted 2 one particular country!

  33. Anyone that said Scandanavian women look good is a closeted homosexual. Most of the women there look like men.
    The ugliest women are USA, Germany, Britain, Ireland, and Australia. Pretty much any place with heavy a German-Anglo influence.

    Best countries are those Eastern Europe – Ukraine, Russia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Balkan influenced areas like Serbia, Romania, Bosnia, and Montenegro. In Southern Europe, it pretty much is Italy and Spain.

    In South America, you can’t go wrong with Argentina, Colombia, and Southern areas of Brazil.

  34. I noticed none were in the United States. I live in Texas and people here are surely fat. You have to drive everywhere here and as a result most if not all of the women have big butts.


  36. would love to know this. I have met many, many Indian women throughout my life, and nearly all of them are nothing short of stunning. Beauty might be in the eye of the beholder, but I just cannot imagine anyone who look at a beauty like Aishwarya Rai and not be slightly stunned by her ridiculous beauty. Sorry, it is ridiculous. It’s also unfair. It’s also probably the reason why India is so overpopulated. If I were married to an Indian woman (and I guess that would make me an Indian man), I would not want to keep my hands off her! Is that indecent to say? Well, it’s true. The UN better go do somethin’ about all them pretty ladies over yonder. And I don’t say that because I envy them deeply and pathetically. Oh no.

    The catalyst that brought this green monster out of my mind, was the gym. I was ‘up in the gym, just workin on my fitness’ (oh, Fergie), when I look at the TV screen right in front of me, and I saw this. It was an Indian movie channel, I’m guessing, and I’m guessing it must have been a sort of Bollywood version of TMZ. I know that by definition the stereotype of a celebrity is that they have to be beautiful to some extent, but what I saw was just insane. I eventually lost track of all the different faces, they all melded into one caricature with a speech bubble hanging over her pulchritudinous head, saying, “You will never look like this!”. And it’s true. I’m not Indian. I wish I were half Indian right now, maybe I’d just get the eyes. Oh, the eyes. You see, I’m something of an eye fetishist. Optosexual? Whatever. If you have nice eyes, you’re gorgeous to me. It doesn’t matter to me how screwed up your nose is, how ugly your lips are, how far out your ears stick out, and if your hair is falling out in clumps. For me, beautiful eyes = beautiful face. Many a stupid relationship has begun on that premise, because I naively believed that no one with beautiful eyes can be evil. Au contraire, mon frere.

    Anyways, one thing that I realized was always repeating itself in the faces of these Bollywood babes, was that their eyes were stunning. Colors from deep brown to the sheerest whisper of grey, these eyes!! And the shape, just so beautiful. I’m going to stop describing them now, because I feel stupid, first of all, because I’m heterosexual but all of a sudden don’t feel like it anymore. And second of all, because I’m supposed to want to be a writer, but don’t know all that many ways to describe beauty. Hmm…

    See, I can lather myself up with coconut oil, and other fabulous ‘beauty products’ from here till kingdom come, and all of that will not widen my eyes one tenth of an inch, or give me even the shadow of a smoochier pout. At least not without surgical assistance, which for me is off limits.

    I mean, I know quite a few Hollywood celebs I just don’t find pretty (Renee Zellweger, Paris Hilton to name a few), but I can’t imagine there being a single Bollywoodian anything less than gorgeous! Something in the water? WHAT IS IT? This is going to drive me insane…

    Have a look for yourself, all ye unworthy people, and despair (maybe you’re not unworthy, I dunno).

  37. I´m from Germany and I think here are a lot of hot girls
    but the boys don´t look so good.

  38. 1.Brazil/

  39. hmmmm…my choice

    1. Panamanian
    2. Brazilian
    3. Japanese
    4. Iranian
    5. South African
    6. Italian
    7. Caribbean
    8. Colombian
    9. Turkish
    10. Cuban

  40. my vote is for hot and natural looking tan women white women too pale and gross me out.. black on the other hand
    have the biggest attitude and ugly with fake nappy hair

  41. Turkish Mexican Indian/Pakistan Lebanese Brazilian Purto Rican Swedish Russian .
    have the most attractive women in the world according to over 10 polls on the net.. Read along people before you make your own assumptions.these countries have the highest percentage of attractive and gracefully attractive women.

  42. The country with the most beautiful women in the world is Romania. Who did this review didn’t travel to Romania…hehe.

  43. Bullshit US has all of these put together. For some reason we are the melting pot for all nations.

  44. my top are
    1) Croatia
    2) Italy
    3) Romania
    4) Hungary
    5) South Korea
    6) Spain
    7) Germany
    8) Sweden
    9) Serbia

  45. 1)Mexico
    2)Purto Rican
    10)Egypt.The Top 10

  46. as a british sailor I’ve done my fair share of traveling so I disagree with this list

    1. brazil = overrated…. chances are most of the brazilian women you will see on the street are outta shape and badly dressed as brazilian women love spandex and cheap cloths.

    2. SPAIN????? LOL I lived in Spain 1 year… well in Gibraltar so I did my exploring, most spaniard women are very asexual, with horrible fashion sense and manly short haircuts!!! plus a mouth of a sailor to go along with the look.

    this would be my list from what I’ve seen from my traveling

    1. hungary
    2. colombia
    3. venezuela
    4. argentina
    5. czech republic
    6. iraq
    7. japan
    8. sweden
    9. russia
    10. puerto rico

    brazil is overrated… trust me! I’ve been there!

  47. Croatian girls ROCK! I am sure you find better looking women there than in Brazil! Serbian girs also are really good looking

  48. ** top 5 for me **


  49. Fun to see Sweden up there. Our women are truly golden and come in such great varities…

  50. 1.Japan

  51. Top 10
    Chezch republic



  53. As a flight attendat for over 17 years who travelled to many countries the world over and with someone with a sense of beautiful women my top picks are the following countries with the most attractive women.
    i would placed canada on the top 5 every country havea percentage of attractive women and with Canada a country with people from every gloobe canada got em all….
    other countries are Mexico India/Pak Russia and belive me Brazil have alot too Russia sweden Argentina Columbia Italy Spain .

  54. i live in iran and i believe woman hereget ugly after 30 years of age or 2 children but women in there 20s are hot

  55. sense of beautiful women my top picks are the following countries with the most attractive women.
    i would placed canada on the top 5 every country havea percentage of attractive women and with Canada a country

  56. I have worked in at least 15 countries and have good friends in at least 30 others covering the Americas, Europe and most of Africa. A list for the best ratio of good looking women versus where are the hottest women is quite different. Best ratio for a city would be Quebec City, Canada and Firenze, Italy. Country: Colombia, Denmark, Sweden, Canada, Argentina, Gabon, Ukraine, Spain. But searching for supermodel beauties I would go for Venezuela, Turkey, Argentina, USA, India, Russia, Brazil, Senegal, Ethiopia, Spain and Sweden.

  57. @andy brit, i could not agree with you more!

    venezuela # 1 yes all the way.

    brazil is so overrated, yes

    spain women are ugly as hell!

  58. Irish girls! Maybe not the prettiest but they’ll out-drink, out-sing and out-party you! And….they’ll still take you to bed at the end of the night 😉

  59. @ Mr. Big, you said, “black on the other hand have the biggest attitude and ugly with fake nappy hair.” This spells you are are a Black man who hates his own. I thought fake hair was curly or straight, not nappy.

    As a Jew, I guess you never dated Jewish women. If you want attitude, go date one..

    America has the most beautiful women because we have all of the cultures here.

  60. for me these 10 countries have all what it takes

    south korea
    i dont know what the 2 others are.just rank them

  61. Brazil is very famous for cosmetic surgery especially in cities like rio and sao paulo. So most hot bodies on these beaches are cosmetic.

    I am surprised you dint know this

  62. And please whoever adds india in the list is wrong. Out of a half a billion women, only a few thousands are attractive and obviously its only the women among these few thousands who make it in the film industry,modelling,and fields which require attractive women like flight attendants/ star hotel receptionists etc.

    Trust me because i am an indian!!

    And men are even worse looking.

  63. indian girls are f**cking ugly!!! lmao

    1. Sweden
    2. Switzerland
    3. Italy
    4. Mexico
    5. Brazil
    6. Japan
    7. China
    8. Russia
    9. Australia
    10. France

  64. Listenn brzilins r prettyy soo stop your hteing !!!! depends were you go you will see overr@ted girll. soo shut the fuck up ugly pieces of shit

  65. South Africa is one of the most culture rich countries in the world. We house more cultures than America.

    Those who don’t put South Africa on the list, hasn’t been here =)

    Walk on a beach in Cape Town and you WILL drool. Plus…

    All NATURAL!

  66. 1 Brazil
    2 Iran
    3 Ethiopia
    4 USA
    5 Nepal
    6 France
    7 Argentina
    8 Eritrea
    9 Lebanon
    10 Spain
    India, Sweden , south Africa i don’t get it ………….but any how those countries have beautiful girls than any country’s

  67. I am a retired Norwegian sailor

    I can say I travelled most of the countries…

    My top 10
    Philippines (its like brazil in asia, many mixed races) beautiful people
    Turkey (although its asia minor)

    japanese, chinese, koreans and espcially, Thailand women love plastic surgery. They are not hot if they don’t undergo operation.

    Spain/portugal (same features)

    Most of the usual europeans are having a manly features and very strong features, I find it not a so beautiful. Too white skin and hair and skin get early aging. Especially girls in nordic part.

    Latin america – most of the women are hot!
    Africa – south africa and tunisia

  68. people who dont know this….indian have 2 type of women..
    in the North their feauture are very unique that that of Spanish women light complexion hair eyes..
    where as in the South their are very distinct difference in looks….
    but they are naturally attractive from a white dude prespective..i find them extremely beautiful and naturally attractive….western women are always done up to look good ,,a natural white woman without being made out is not attractive at all….been there seen that.

  69. The hater on here that say brazilain and indian women are ugly makes me laugh…
    These 2 nationalities amongst a few more are the most attractive women in this world..you are definitely not Indian thats for sure so stop spreading hate…everyone is entitle to opionion but don’t hate..i;ll vote for Brazilian And Indian women amongst my top pick…

  70. Greg says:
    April 20, 2011 at 8:26 am
    indian girls are f**cking ugly!!! lmao

    Guess who are the biggest model in the USA Greg…the same f**** ugly indian girls that You mentioned..are brand ambassador for the following companies,,read along my friend i bet you watch all these commercial and you never realised its the same f**** indian girls you are watching,,,./Blast from the past: Nargis Fakhri auditions for America’s next top model


    L’Oreal Lightens Up frieda pinto

    ashwariya rai.

    deepika padukone..

    Sat 30 Oct 2010

    Indian Supermodel Monikangana Dutta Joins Victoria’s Secret

    google these names greg and shut the f*** up

  71. lots of f******* haters on here against the 2 most attractive type of women in the worls BRAZILIAN and INDAIN .jealous are we!!!!!!!!!

  72. THE hottest women lives in Canada especially Big cities like Toronto Quebec vancouver and Calgary..
    the world most attractive can be found in this most beautiful country in the entire world. why.we have every nationalities assemble in this one country.EVERY RACE CAN BE FOUND HERE.

  73. Ok so I just got back from Croatia….and i was with a friend of mine, we are both in our mid 20’s. I have been to 20-30 different countries and I have to say….I have never seen so many beautiful women in one place in my entire life. By the end of our trip we were playing a game, “try to find an ugly woman”. It was nearly impossible. Thy only ugly women were from somewhere else there on vacation……CROATIA was by far #1 on my list!

  74. Why not The phillepines? Or mexican, or portugese.
    Seriously some countries in the list have defenitly not hot chicks.
    Like bulgaria.
    And some pics aren’t true like that indian girl, they are way more brown

  75. indians are ugly and smelly and should be featured in the top of the list for the “top ten countries with the ugliest girls” list

  76. philipinios women are ugliest they should also be on the top ten on ugliest list so is chinese and black women.

  77. Filipinos are but ugly slant eyes short no feminine features…like chest or hip.. chinese same Categories.
    Blacks all look alike same big chest and hip with fake hair..
    they should be in the top 10 for countries with ugliest girls,,

  78. ASTAR you are the biggest joke you are not even funny.
    you honestly think white women are god’s gift for beauty.
    like so many overweight white women in the world, any white women without make up are the uglist …but i wont call all white women ugly like you called Blacks Indian Chinese and Phillipines women.
    i am not a hater like you..just prejudice and you need to grow up every race have beautiful and not so beautiful women..and by the way all the supermodels are from countries you called ugly.

  79. LOL, this is so silly, yhere are very few natural blondes in sweden, jsut have a look at the photo above and see how every “blonde” girl in that picture has brown/black eye brows/eye lashes. The only blonde in that photo was the man. I do not get where this stereotype comes from that they are all blonde because they all have brown and black hair except maybe 5-10%, imo there are more natural blondes in a place like iowa than sweden.
    My rankings of best countries
    2. mauritania
    4. Czech
    6. Russia
    10. norway

    Canada is dead last especially toronto because all their girls are $5 snobs who are stuck up with big attitudes

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